Dan Gallahan
National Cancer Institute Initiatives in Systems Oncology and Physical Sciences Oncology
Dr. Dan Gallahan is a molecular and cancer biologist with expertise in the fields of breast cancer, technology development and science administration. His primary focus is the integration of multiple approaches, tools, and data sets to understanding the complexity of cancer. As Deputy Director he helps lead the division in its mission of supporting excellence in cancer research.
In his previous position as Associate Director for integrative biology he established and still oversees the institute’s efforts in cancer systems biology. The latest program is the Cancer systems Biology Consortium or CSBC. This program embraces computational modeling as an integral part of cancer understanding and management. He also assists in the planning and implementation of the NCI’s overall efforts in genomics, proteomics, structural biology and nanotechnology. His group also acts as liaison with other government and commercial entities in the area of technology and systems biology.
Dr. Gallahan was trained in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland, receiving additional post-doctoral training at the NIH and the German Cancer Research Center. His post-doctoral work included training in cancer biology, proteomics and bio-informatics. He had an active NCI intramural career resulting in numerous publications within the Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology. He also had experience outside the government when he served as Director of Molecular Biology and Development for a small bio-tech company.