bioscience day 2015 poster winners


Agriculture, Food, and Nutritional Sciences

The Relationship between Dietary Intake and Biomarkers of Carotenoids and Physical Functioning Among U.S. Older Adults

Presenter: Olfat Sheikomar                        



Characterizing the Effects of Phosphorylation on the Structural Dynamics of Ubiquitin

Presenter: Yaniv Kazansky                         


Bioengineering /Biomaterials and Nanoscience/Nanotechnology

Flow Focusing For Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry

Presenter: Thomas Winkler


Environmental Science/ Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior

Changes in gene expression serve as a biomarker of exposure for cadmium and copper in the amphipod Hyalella azteca

Presenter: Ryan Gott                                   


Family, Community and Public Health

Persons Receiving Buprenorphine for Outpatient Treatment of Opioid Disorders: Are They Different if They Also Used Heroin?

Presenter: Katherine Garcia-Rosales                                 


Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Proteomics

Fundamental Study of Intact Triubiquitin Chains by Mass Spectrometry

Presenter: Amanda Lee                               


Microbiology and Immunology

Disruption of Cyclic di-GMP Signaling by Small Molecules to Inhibit Alginate Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Presenter: Eric Zhou                        


Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Investigating the Role of Translational Recoding in Stress Response

Presenter: Avan Antia                                 


Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

An Objective Assessment of Cognitive Workload during Ambulation in Individuals with and without Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation

Presenter: Emma Shaw