AGENDA - october 25, 2016
8:30 am
Registration (FREE)
Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student Union
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Innovation Corner: Professor Venture Fair
Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
UMD faculty members and researchers will pitch their inventions to local venture capitalists who will select the "Best Inventor Pitch" for Bioscience Day 2016. The winner will be announced during the session that follows and will receive a monetary award.
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Innovation Corner: Fireside Chat about I-Corps & Presentation of Professor Venture Fair "Best Inventor Pitch" Award
Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
David Tilley (Department of Environmental Science and Technology) will speak with Dean Chang (Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship) about his experience participating in I-Corps. The fireside chat will be followed by the announcement and presentation of the Professor Venture Fair "Best Inventor Pitch" award.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Networking Panel (Two Sessions)
Margaret Brent Room**, Stamp Student Union
The networking panels are designed to help students understand what they can do with a degree in the biological sciences and similar majors. A panel of representatives from industry and federal laboratories will explain what their job entails and answer questions about the kinds of undergraduate and graduate experiences that might prepare students for pursuing careers within their organizations. They will also answer questions from the audience and speak individually with those who seek more detailed information.
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Poster Session - Meet the Researchers
Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student Union
Poster Session and Lunch
2:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Track 1 - Ecology & Evolution, Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
Track 2 - Neuroscience: Regulation of Neuroplasticity by Age, Season and Experience, Atrium, Stamp Student Union
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Track 1: Ecology & Evolution - "Functional perspectives on temperate and tropical forest structure and dynamics: from traits to transcriptomes" by Nathan Swenson, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
Track 2: Neuroscience - "Hippocampal-memory network development and episodic memory in early childhood" by Tracy Riggins, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Atrium, Stamp Student Union
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Track 1: Ecology & Evolution - "Genetic diversity and resilience in wild celery, a keystone aquatic plant in the Chesapeake Bay" by Maile Neel, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture & the Department of Entomology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
Track 2: Neuroscience - "Seasonal neuroplasticity: a bird’s eye view" by Gregory Ball, Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Professor of Psychology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Atrium, Stamp Student Union
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Track 1: Ecology & Evolution - "Early warning signals of population collapse among European Neolithic societies (8000-4000 BP)" by Sean Downey, UMD Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
Track 2: Neuroscience - "Rejuvenating the aging brain to drive recovery of vision" by Elizabeth Quinlan, Professor, Department of Biology, University of Maryland [Abstract and Speaker Bio]
Atrium, Stamp Student Union
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The Dr. Erik B. & Mrs. Joyce D.C. Young Lecture
Atrium, Stamp Student Union
"Telomerase and the regulation of telomere length equilibrium"
Carol Greider
2009 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
Daniel Nathans Professor and Director, Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University